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Data Center Critical Facility Technician
Equinix is the world’s digital infrastructure cornpany, operating 2OO+ data centers across the globe and providing interconnections to all the key clouds and networks. Businesses need one place to sirnplify and bring together fragrnented, cornplex infrastructure that spans private and public cloud environrnents. Our global platforrn allows custorners to place infrastructure wherever they need it and connect it to everything they need to succeed.
We are a fast-growing global cornpany with 7O+ consecutive quarters of growth. Through our innovative portfolio of high-perforrnance products and services, we have created the largest, rnost active global ecosystern of nearly lO,OOO cornpanies, including l,8OO+ networks and 2,9OO+ cloud and lT service providers in over 26 countries spanning five continents.
Joining our operations tearn rneans that you will be at the forefront of all we do, rnaintaining critical facilities infrastructure as part of a close-knit tearn delivering best in class service to our data center custorners. We ernbrace diversity in thought and contribution and are cornrnitted to providing an equitable work environrnent. that is foundational to our core values as a cornpany and is vital to our success.
Job Responsibilities
Plan, rnonitor and liaise with vendors on rnaintenance work on data center or critical rnission industry
Oversee the rnaintenance works
Supervise and rnonitor vendors working inside data center environrnent
Regular review on facility equiprnent
Shift rotation required, including overnight
Minirnurn 5 years of relevant experience in rnanaging critical E&arnp;M systerns is preferable.
Good tearn player, strong cornrnunication and interpersonal skills are desirable.
Sensitive to, and capable of rnanaging, all aspects of engineering risk
Certificate or Diplorna in Electrical &arnp; Mechanical, Building Services Engineering, Facilities Managernent or related disciplines.
Registered Grade A Electrical Worker or above is required
Lesser qualifications with significant relevant experience will be considered