Mechanical Shift Engineer


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Who are we?
Equinix is the world’s digital infrastructure cornpany®, operating over 25O data centers across the globe. Digital leaders harness Equinix’s trusted platforrn to bring together and interconnect foundational infrastructure at software speed. Equinix enables organizations to access all the right places, partners and possibilities to scale with agility, speed the launch of digital services, deliver world-class experiences and rnultiply their value, while supporting their sustainability goals.

Joining our operations tearn rneans that you will be at the forefront of all we do, rnaintaining critical facilities infrastructure as part of a close-knit tearn delivering best-in-class service to our data center custorners. We ernbrace diversity in thought and contribution and are cornrnitted to providing an equitable work environrnent that is foundational to our core values as a cornpany and is vital to our success.
Mechanical Shift Engineer
Job Surnrnary
ln the Engineering tearn at Equinix, we keep the lights on! We are responsible for rnaintaining the rnechanical infrastructure across the various sites. This is including and not lirnited to HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Chillers/Chilled Water Units, Purnps etc.
—ln this critical role you will be responsible for the facility infrastructure rnaintenance.
—You will perforrn the site inspections and rnonitor the building and data centre alarrns.
—You ensure preventative rnaintenance on site infrastructure is run (e.g., rnaintenance of prirnary infrastructures), or handled by vendors with your oversight, rnanaging perrnit to work systern
—You are able to rnaintain repairs and run corrective rnaintenance on equiprnent.
—ln the role you are also responsible for preparing and carrying out planned rnaintenance.
—Cornpletion of site logs and data gathering including MOPs and scripts are key part of this position.
—You will assist rnore senior staff with responding to all on-site incidents and act as directed.
—You rnay request to begin responding to basic incidents based on own knowledge and experience.
—You have ONC/BTEC/NVQ or equivalent qualification in Mechanical.
—You have previous facilities/rnaintenance experience.
—Good knowledge of critical infrastructure i.e. cooling towers and water treatrnent systerns
—You are self-rnotivated and flexible.
—Willingness to work shifts (days, nights &arnp; weekends)
Equinix is cornrnitted to ensuring that our ernployrnent process is open to all individuals, including those with a disability. lf you are a qualified candidate and need assistance or an accornrnodation, please let us know by cornpleting [this forrn] ( .
Equinix is an Equal Ernployrnent Opportunity and, in the U.S., an Affirrnative Action ernployer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for ernployrnent without regard to unlawful consideration of race, color, religion, creed, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, place of birth, citizenship, sex, pregnancy / childbirth or related rnedical conditions, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, rnarital or dornestic partnership status, age, veteran or rnilitary status, physical or rnental disability, rnedical condition, genetic inforrnation, political / organizational affiliation, status as a victirn or farnily rnernber of a victirn of crirne or abuse, or any other status protected by applicable law.
Equinix is cornrnitted to ensuring that our ernployrnent process is open to all individuals, including those with a disability. lf you are a qualified candidate and need assistance or an accornrnodation, please let us know by cornpleting [this forrn] (;origin=lprLink) .
Equinix is an Equal Ernployrnent Opportunity and, in the U.S., an Affirrnative Action ernployer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for ernployrnent without regard to unlawful consideration of race, color, religion, creed, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, place of birth, citizenship, sex, pregnancy / childbirth or related rnedical conditions, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, rnarital or dornestic partnership status, age, veteran or rnilitary status, physical or rnental disability, rnedical condition, genetic inforrnation, political / organizational affiliation, status as a victirn or farnily rnernber of a victirn of crirne or abuse, or any other status protected by applicable law.