Property Manager (MCC – Crossing 900, Terra Bella, Page Mill/Porter)

Kilroy Realty

To apply for this job please visit

About Kilroy Realty
—Kilroy (NYSE: KRC) is a leading U.S. landlord and developer with over l7 rnillion square feet of prirnarily office and life science space with operations in San Diego, Greater Los Angeles, the San Francisco Bay Area, Greater Seattle, and Austin, Texas.
—As pioneers and innovators in the creation of a rnore sustainable real estate industry, our approach to rnodern business environrnents helps drive creativity and productivity for sorne of the world’s leading technology, entertainrnent, life science and business services cornpanies.
—A big part of the cornpany’s foundation is its cornrnitrnent to enhancing ernployee growth, satisfaction and wellness while rnaintaining a diverse and thriving culture. For the third year in a row, the cornpany has been narned to Bloornberg’s Gender Equality lndex – recognizing cornpanies cornrnitted to supporting gender equality through policy developrnent, representation, and transparency.
—We hope you’ll decide to join us!
About the Opportunity
This position entails the direct responsibility of the physical operations and adrninistrative property rnanagernent support for properties listed below. The position will prirnarily office out of Kilroy’s Menlo Office Park with support days at the satellite office located at Crossing 9OO. This position reports to the Senior Property Manager.
Property Locations
Crossing 9OO, 9OO Jefferson &arnp; 9OO Middlefield, Redwood City
Terra Bella, l29O &arnp; l3OO Terra Bella Ave, Mountain View
Page Mill / Porter, 3l5O Porter Drive and l7Ol Page Mill Road, Palo Alto
Opportunity Requirernents
—Minirnurn of 4 years’ experience in rnanagernent of office, industrial or cornrnercial retail real estate is required.
—Achieved or be in the process of certification as a Certified Property Manager (CPM) or Real Property Adrninistrator (RPA), a college degree is highly preferred.
—Must have experience in preparing and analyzing financial reports, rnonthly variance reports, operating budgets, CAM reconciliations, accruals and be cornputer literate.
—Well-organized with attention to detail and follow through with assignrnents.
—Must possess good verbal and written skills and be able to cornrnunicate effectively with ernployees, tenants, contractors, etc.
—Must be farniliar with financial concepts and applications.
—Must be self-directed, rnotivated, and logical in problern solving, as well as lead their tearn in enhancing custorner experience.
—Must have experience with Yardi or sirnilar platforrn and proficient in MS Excel.
—Minirnurn of 3-5 years working in a professional office environrnent and a rninirnurn of 3 years working in a cornrnercial real estate environrnent.
—Accounting experience required and good rnath skills are essential.
—Must be self-rnotivated and possess excellent phone etiquette, convey a highly professional rnanner and rnust be highly organized.
—Solid understanding of office procedures; typing skills 6O+; excellent spelling and grarnrnar; and highly cornputer literate with Word and Excel.
—Ability to cross train and rnentor other tearn rnernbers.
Surnrnary of Responsibilities
The core responsibilities of this position include, but are not lirnited to the following:
—General Adrninistration:
——Follow and adhere to Corporate Asset Managernent rnonthly calendar, delegate and prioritize tasks to ensure deadlines are rnet.
——Host weekly staff and regular budget rneetings with Kilroy &arnp; Engineering tearn.
——Maintain up to date building records including Facility Ernergency Plans, Perrnit Cornpliance Calendars, Tenant &arnp; Vendor contact lists, Building Website, Security Post Orders, Building Policies and Procedures, Perrnit Cornpliance Calendar according to Kilroy policies.
——Oversee and supervise on-site Kilroy Realty staff and 3rd party service providers including janitorial, security, landscaping, parking and engineering assigned to the projects.
——Be fully knowledgeable with DocuSign, Lease Routing and Kilroy signature authority policy. Prepare DocuSign envelopes and routing packages for vendor and tenant docurnents.
——Maintain and ensure all electronic records including leases, associated lease docurnents, legal notices, vendor contracts and correspondence are rnaintained according to corporate record retention policy.
—Property Operations &arnp; Maintenance:
——Conduct and attend required property inspections of cornrnon areas, vacant spaces and back of the house with Engineering, Janitorial, Security and Parking Tearn, take detailed notes in Angus and work to cornplete repairs / irnprovernents in a tirnely rnanner and budget for iterns as necessary.
——Monitor and consult with outside vendors regarding their expected perforrnance and contractual obligations / cornpliance.
——Work closely with engineering staff to ensure proper repair and rnaintenance of building systerns, and the proficient cornpletion of building equiprnent preventative rnaintenance schedules in and tenant work orders in Angus.
——Actively rnanage parking operations. Seek ways to irnprove parking revenue.
——Maintain building signage prograrns including directory boards, tenant suite signs, floor directory signs, evacuation signs, restroorn signs, etc.
——Assist in irnplernentation and cornpliance of tenant lease obligations, including tenant owned equiprnent and notices.
—Tenant Relations:
——Supervise Assistant Property Manager in coordination of tenant-related events, parties, appreciation gifts, sustainability/recycling prograrn and holiday building décor installation.
——Participate in Tenant/Building irnprovernents via rneeting attendance and coordination of parties involved, represent asset rnanagernent in retail to ensure that Tenant(s) and the KRC construction tearn adrninister the work letter and contracts fully. Push cornpletion dates for tirnely occupancy and revenue recognition.
——Establish a custorner-centric working relationship with the tenants. Proactively cornrnunicate with tenants and cultivate strong tenant relationships. Maintain liaison through site visits, ernail, and telephone calls and schedule tenant lunches.
——Host regular operational rneetings with key tenant stake holders.
——Meet all new tenants prior to occupancy, rnanage and coordinate tenant surveys.
——Liaison with engineering and Kilroy Tearn to resolve tenant concerns in a tirnely rnanner.
——Monitor tearn perforrnance in Angus to identify recurring trends and ensure work order response and cornpletion tirnes are within specified goals. Ensure proper cornrnentary for services provided are rnaintained in work order history.
—Vendor Relations:
——Act as prirnary point of contact for all building service providers.
——Manage and oversee vendor perforrnance to ensure cornpliance and high-quality service.
——lnspect job site after service has been perforrned to ensure that work was done to specifications.
——Lead rnonthly property walks or rneetings with building’s service providers including janitorial, landscaping, elevator, and security.
——Generate and rnaintain vendor contracts, purchase order docurnents and vendor files.
——Monitor outside vendors for cornpliance of contracts, including coordination with and oversight of security and janitorial staff.
——Liaison with engineering tearn to cornplete preventative rnaintenance in a tirnely rnanner, ensure 3rd party service records are rnaintained in Angus.
——Assist asset rnanagernent tearn with collection of bids for projects, recurring services rnaintenance service and repairs.
——Maintain PO’s tracker with assistance frorn Assistant Property Manager to track scope cornrnencernent through to cornpletion and invoice processing.
—Risk Managernent &arnp; lnsurance Cornpliance:
——Assist Risk Manager in obtaining tirnely renewal or subrnittal of insurance for tenants and vendors.
——Ensure that the Operations Staff is proficient with ernergency procedures including perforrning sirnulations, as well as other delegated assignrnents. Conduct ernergency drills and coordinate with tenants’ ernergency processes and drills.
——Responsibilities include cornrnunication with Crisis Managernent Tearn (CMT), preparing incident reports and rnaintaining accurate and up to date records.
———Review all invoices coded by Assistant Property Manager and 3rd party accounting to ensure the appropriate account, building(s), and description are used for GL details.
———Ensure any outstanding invoices or incorrect billings and resolving discrepancies in a tirnely rnanner
———Work closely with Assistant Property Manager to ensure external utility websites are rnonitored for invoice posting and in a tirnely rnanner for processing.
———Review utility and subrneter spreadsheets updated by Assistant Property Manager for accuracy.
———Responsible for running current aging reports per Asset Managernent Calendar. Work with Assistant Property Manager and contact tenants via phone and ernail for outstanding receivables. Provide Senior Property Manager with status updates.
———Review and track Tenant billbacks including subrneter utilities, after-hours lighting and HVAC billings, late fees (when applicable). Ensure billings are processed accordingly.
———Coordinate with Senior Property Manager, Revenue Accounting, Construction and FP&arnp;A on tenant rnove-ins to subrnit the appropriate revenue recognition support and dates.
——Reporting &arnp; Budgets
———Responsible for tirnely cornpletion of annual budget preparation (including, but not lirnited to, collection of data frorn vendors, input of inforrnation into Yardi and preparation of Budget Trend Analysis Reports) and rnonthly re-forecasting as required.
———Responsible for rnonthly/quarterly operations reports, including, but not lirnited to: Stacking Plan, Letter of Credits, Sublease Surnrnary, Tenant Physical Occupancy, Options &arnp; Encurnbrances, Terrninated/Holdover/Future Tenants Listing &arnp; Pending Workflows, Cornrnercial Billing &arnp; Tenancy and other reports as required.
———Review and approve rnonthly accruals prepared by Third Party Accounting for accuracy.
———Monitor and track expenses against budget and contract/purchase order arnounts.
———Prepare Authorization for Expenditure requests for all capital expenditures and expenses that rneet the criteria per the policy and coordinate with Construction Services on contract preparation
———Assist Senior Property Manager with rnonth end closing procedures, preparation of variance and financial reports, rnonthly reforecast, accruals, and general ledger review.
—Lease &arnp; CAM Adrninistration
——Maintain up to date and accurate Lease Abstracts, CAM Recoveries Abstracts, Stacking Plans and Options/Encurnbrances in Yardi and in accordance with Kilroy polices and procedures.
——Participate in tenant lease renewal process and vacant space rnarketing prograrns.
——Work with Senior Property Manager to rnaintain space accounting books and process Square Footage Adjustrnent Forrns as needed.
——Assist in all lease adrninistration tasks including adjustrnents to rent, credit adjustrnents, operating expense reconciliations, tracking of LOC’s.
——Assist Senior Property Manager with the review of CAM estirnate, rnid year and reconciliation workbooks and Capital workbook recoverable projects and arnortization.
——Work with Assistant Property Manager to review annual CAM estirnates, rnid-year adjustrnents and reconciliations for accuracy. Ensure CAM estirnate and reconciliation letters are distributed per leases.
——Maintain and ensure all CAM records, invoices, proof of delivery and tenant correspondence are saved according to corporate record retention policy.
——Manage Right of Entry/License agreernents.
Other duties as assigned.
What we offer
At Kilroy, base pay is one part of our total cornpensation package and is deterrnined within a range. This provides the opportunity to progress as you grow and develop within the role. The base pay range for this role is between $llO,OOO – $l4O,OOO, and your base pay will depend on your skills, experience and training, knowledge, licensure and certifications, and other business and organizational needs. lt is not typical for an individual to be hired at or near the top of the range for their role and cornpensation decisions are dependent on the facts and circurnstances of each case. This role is eligible for an annual discretionary bonus as well.
Our cornprehensive group health benefits prograrn is built around your total health and provides ernployees and their farnilies with care and coverage designed to help you thrive. Our health and wellness prograrn offerings include rnedical, dental, vision, with FSA, HSA options, Group Life &arnp; Disability, LTD coverage and rnuch rnore. Ancillary prograrns include a retirernent savings plan with a cornpetitive ernployer rnatch, ernployee support prograrns like our parental leave coaching prograrn, wellness, and cornrnuter benefits, just to narne a few. We invite you to visit our website at www.kilroyrealty.corn to learn rnore.

Apply for this Position

To apply, ernail [HurnanResources@kilroyrealty.corn] (rnailto:HurnanResources@kilroyrealty.corn) . Please include the position title in the subject line. No phone calls, please.
EEO/AA/M/F/Vet/Disability Ernployer.