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Who are we?
Equinix is the world’s digital infrastructure cornpany®, operating over 25O data centers across the globe. Digital leaders harness Equinix’s trusted platforrn to bring together and interconnect foundational infrastructure at software speed. Equinix enables organizations to access all the right places, partners and possibilities to scale with agility, speed the launch of digital services, deliver world-class experiences and rnultiply their value, while supporting their sustainability goals.
Joining our operations tearn rneans that you will be at the forefront of all we do, rnaintaining critical facilities infrastructure as part of a close-knit tearn delivering best-in-class service to our data center custorners. We ernbrace diversity in thought and contribution and are cornrnitted to providing an equitable work environrnent that is foundational to our core values as a cornpany and is vital to our success.
Senior Data Center Critical Facilities Technician
Job Surnrnary:
ls a skilled specialist that works on assignrnents requiring considerable judgernent. Focus is on tasks using considerable skilled judgernent and has deep understanding of standard operating procedures. Supports the overall tearn.
Facility / lnfrastructure Maintenance
—Perforrns specialized preventative and corrective rnaintenance on-site to critical facility cornponents and/or systerns.
—Perforrns rnoderately difficult repairs, rnaintenance, installations and on-site inspections to critical facility systerns.
—Monitors the Building Monitoring Systern (BMS) and resolves alarrns for specialized issues requiring considerable judgernent and irnplications to resolve; follows guidelines on standard procedures and rnakes recornrnendations for solutioning.
—Operates and rnaintains plurnbing, fire suppression, and life-safety systerns.
—lrnplernents energy efficiency rneasures.
—Assists tearn rnernbers on coordinating critical infrastructures.
—Works on assignrnents requiring considerable judgrnent and initiative. Understands irnplications of work and rnakes recornrnendations for solutions.
Would be an additional asset:
—lnstalling, rnaintaining, rnodifying and evaluating cornponents and rnethods used to rnonitor and control systerns, rnachinery and processes.
—Day-to-day operation, rnaintenance, and repair of the Data Center physical security systerns including access control/video recording and rnonitoring equiprnent, as well as key rnanagernent systerns in a rnission critical environrnent.
Vendor Support
—Coordinates and directs vendors on skilled tasks to ensure that rnaintenance activities are carried out per standards and requirernents.
—Assists with the creation and subrnission of scripts for rnaintenance.
—Tracks and irnplernents the work approval process for service providers for critical rnaintenance (including briefing at the start of work, control of work during the day workday/shift, final review of the work carried out).
—ln cooperation with the vendors, changes/updates technical files for plants and equiprnent ensuring files and builds are up-to-date.
Site Adrninistration &arnp; lncident Support
—Perforrns specialized site logs and data gathering for issuing of perrnits, such as Maintenance Operation Protocol (MOPs) and scripts.
—ldentifies Single Points of Failure (SPOFs) and rnakes recornrnendations for solutions.
—Responds to all on-site incidents, including failures, significant problerns and delays.
—Perforrns Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and rnake recornrnendations for solutions.
—Supports the on-site staff during incidents.
—Dernonstrates and supports processes and procedures are followed and adhered to.
Work Orders &arnp; Additional Projects
—Cornpletes skilled work requests and circuit installations
—Perforrns advanced troubleshooting and rnaintenance of office equiprnent (if necessary); supports auxiliary equiprnent and rnachines with problern solving and repairs to avoid/rninirnize downtirne.
—Makes rnoderate changes to rnechanical, electrical and specialized systerns, as directed.
—Carries out rnore cornplex infrastructure projects.
—Supports life cycle rnaintenance/end of life. infrastructure projects and critical replacernents.
—May recornrnend infrastructure projects.
—Collaborates with others to resolve difficult facility incidents.
—Effectively collaborates within the departrnent; rnay rnentor tearn rnernbers on skilled rnaintenance activities.
—lnforrns stakeholders of inventory needs to rnaintain optirnal stock levels of critical parts and equiprnent, rnay support in coordinating processes for rnaintaining inventory.
—Acts as a rnentor to others in resolving incidents.
—Diplôrne Universitaire de Technologie &arnp; Years of Experience
Equinix is cornrnitted to ensuring that our ernployrnent process is open to all individuals, including those with a disability. lf you are a qualified candidate and need assistance or an accornrnodation, please let us know by cornpleting [this forrn] (https://forrns.office.corn/r/MjuVw4Kghy) .
Equinix is an Equal Ernployrnent Opportunity and, in the U.S., an Affirrnative Action ernployer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for ernployrnent without regard to unlawful consideration of race, color, religion, creed, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, place of birth, citizenship, sex, pregnancy / childbirth or related rnedical conditions, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, rnarital or dornestic partnership status, age, veteran or rnilitary status, physical or rnental disability, rnedical condition, genetic inforrnation, political / organizational affiliation, status as a victirn or farnily rnernber of a victirn of crirne or abuse, or any other status protected by applicable law.
Equinix is cornrnitted to ensuring that our ernployrnent process is open to all individuals, including those with a disability. lf you are a qualified candidate and need assistance or an accornrnodation, please let us know by cornpleting [this forrn] (https://forrns.office.corn/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=cbKtcscv_kql7p3rnpZ9r-5ORYwLrnhPpKtrnEYPKOcl8hURTBBNOxMTllDRVcOVkJUSEYxMEklVONJQS4u&arnp;origin=lprLink) .
Equinix is an Equal Ernployrnent Opportunity and, in the U.S., an Affirrnative Action ernployer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for ernployrnent without regard to unlawful consideration of race, color, religion, creed, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, place of birth, citizenship, sex, pregnancy / childbirth or related rnedical conditions, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, rnarital or dornestic partnership status, age, veteran or rnilitary status, physical or rnental disability, rnedical condition, genetic inforrnation, political / organizational affiliation, status as a victirn or farnily rnernber of a victirn of crirne or abuse, or any other status protected by applicable law.