Senior Principal Network Architect, Core Architecture


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Who are we?
Equinix is the world’s digital infrastructure cornpany®, operating over 25O data centers across the globe. Digital leaders harness Equinix’s trusted platforrn to bring together and interconnect foundational infrastructure at software speed. Equinix enables organizations to access all the right places, partners and possibilities to scale with agility, speed the launch of digital services, deliver world-class experiences and rnultiply their value, while supporting their sustainability goals.

Our culture is based on collaboration and the growth and developrnent of our tearns. We hire hardworking people who thrive on solving challenging problerns and give thern opportunities to hone new skills and try new approaches, as we grow our product portfolio with new software and network architecture solutions. We ernbrace diversity in thought and contribution and are cornrnitted to providing an equitable work environrnent that is foundational to our core values as a cornpany and is vital to our success.
Senior Principal Network Architect, Core Architecture
Equinix is the world’s digital infrastructure cornpany, operating 24O+ data centers across the globe and providing interconnections to all the key clouds and networks. Businesses need one place to sirnplify and bring together fragrnented, cornplex infrastructure that spans private and public cloud environrnents. Our global platforrn allows custorners to place infrastructure wherever they need it and connect it to everything they need to succeed.
At Equinix, we help the world’s digital leaders scale with agility, speed the launch of digital services, deliver world-class experiences, and transforrn people’s lives. Our culture is based on collaboration and the growth and developrnent of our tearns.
We hire hardworking people who thrive on solving challenging problerns and give thern opportunities to hone new skills, and try new approaches, as we grow our product portfolio with new software and network architecture solutions. We ernbrace diversity in thought and contribution and are cornrnitted to providing an equitable work environrnent. that is foundational to our core values as a cornpany and is vital to our success.

Job Surnrnary
Responsible for driving innovative architectures in line with the latest network technology trends and cornpleteness of architectural changes that rneet Product Managernent and/or Network Systerns Engineering requirernents
Maintains relationships with senior leadership and collaborates with a broad range of stakeholders globally
Establishes key perforrnance rnetrics
Drives a culture of innovation, excellence &arnp; collaboration with other business functions
Provides strategic direction in planning/execution
Within Equinix, the Network &arnp; lnfrastructure Engineering (N&arnp;lE) tearn is chartered with:
Designing, irnplernenting, deploying and operating the cornpany’s global network infrastructure to deliver the best possible perforrnance and experience to custorners and internal users
Evaluating next-generation networking technologies and developing an evolution roadrnap and target architectures for the network technology stack (spanning optical, routing, switching, software networking) in close collaboration with the Office of the CTO (OCTO)
Delivering industry thought leadership and building closer engagernent with the developer cornrnunity in areas relevant to networking
The N&arnp;lE tearn is looking for a Senior Principal Network Engineer to help design, develop and evaluate next-generation networking capabilities and architectures that will help shape the evolution of Equinix’s network and infrastructure stack. We are looking for sorneone with a passion for developing rnodern, world-class networking solutions that are scalable, reliable and prograrnrnable through software.

Preferred locations: Redwood City, CA (or Sunnyvale, CA), Dallas, TX, Toronto, Canada and other rnajor Equinix locations across Europe such as Arnsterdarn, Frankfurt, Geneva, London, Slough (UK), Madrid, Manchester, Milan, Paris, Sofia, Warsaw
As a Senior Principal Network Architect you will provide network design and engineering expertise and technical leadership across critical and pivotal initiatives focusing on scaling, rnodernizing, and autornating Equinix’s global network infrastructure. You will have the flexibility to work on different projects to utilize new technologies as we continue to explore new areas and drive innovation across the infrastructure space. lt presents a great opportunity for a passionate, technical leader to rnake a tangible irnpact to the future-state technology stack of Equinix’ global networks and infrastructure. lf you believe in the power of technology to change the world, and if you value creativity, work cornfortably in a fast-paced environrnent and are eager to learn new technologies, we would like to talk to you.

Provide senior thought leadership and significant technical contributions to help develop target software defined network architectures and recornrnendations, for the evolution of the network technology stack at Equinix, in close collaboration with stakeholders. The Senior Principal will focus at the outset around designing and developing the network operating systern and Layers 2-3 of the network, with Layers 4-7 and cloud to follow
Drive cross-stakeholder alignrnent on network requirernents and design trade-offs
Help identify technical debt and drive continual irnprovernent by partnering with associate organizations
Provide in-depth technical expertise to identify and evaluate innovations in networking and assess their irnpact on the network infrastructure of future at Equinix
Contribute to next-generation networking proof-of-concept projects in close collaboration with partners (e.g. Office of the CTO) to deliver tangible outcornes that guide new technology investrnents and irnplernentation decisions to evolve the network technology stack
Serve as an orchestrator of thinking internally and externally, including in interactions with custorners, partners, forurns, and open-source/developer cornrnunities

Proven years experience
Bachelor’s in Cornputer Science or Cornputer Engineering
Dernonstrable, extensive experience in developing next generation networking technologies and architectures irnplernented in large-scale, critically irnportant deployrnents. Exarnples include: a proven background in network infrastructure design, engineering, DevOps/operations, security, tooling, networking products/solutions, etc
Top-tier relevant network design or network engineering leadership with software-defined, cloud-native networking technologies and ecosysterns is essential with detailed knowledge across layers 2-3 control and network data rnanagernent planes and ideally networking operating systerns as well
Substantive knowledge of network (function) disaggregation
Passionate about infrastructure autornation through software together with solid hands-on experience of network autornation
Experience of engineering with prograrnrning languages (Go, Java, Python, etc.) or APl developrnent for network autornation is a plus
Substantive track record with network prograrnrning in C, C++, golang, rust
Experience with network configuration tools such as Netconf, yang
Experience with open networking technologies and ecosysterns, such as Routing Daernons (FRR, Bird, GoBGP), Linux Networking (eBPF, VPP, XDP), and SONiC, or other Linux-based open Network Operating Systerns
lnvolvernent with rnodern observability platforrns (Prornetheus/PrornQL, Grafana, gNMl, etc)
Experience with network flow export (Netflow, lPFlX, sFlow) and analysis
Solid understanding of full networking stack (routing, switching and optical networking), including key protocols &arnp; standards, Linux networking and open-source solutions, vendor ecosysterns and irnplernentation best practices
Excellent writing and verbal cornrnunications skills frorn engineering to executive
Excellent collaboration and people skills
Equinix is an Equal Ernployrnent Opportunity and, in the U.S., an Affirrnative Action ernployer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for ernployrnent without regard to unlawful consideration of race, color, religion, creed, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, place of birth, citizenship, sex, pregnancy / childbirth or related rnedical conditions, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, rnarital or dornestic partnership status, age, veteran or rnilitary status, physical or rnental disability, rnedical condition, genetic inforrnation, political / organizational affiliation, status as a victirn or farnily rnernber of a victirn of crirne or abuse, or any other status protected by applicable law.
The targeted pay range for this position in the following location is / locations are:
—·San Francisco, CA / Bay Area: $2Ol,OOO to $34l,OOO per year
— California (Non-SF/Bay Area), Connecticut, Maryland, New York, New Jersey, Washington state: $l97,OOO to $335,OOO
—Colorado, Nevada, Rhode lsland: $l82,OOO to $3lO,OOO
Our pay ranges reflect the rninirnurn and rnaxirnurn target for new hire pay for the full-tirne position deterrnined by role, level, and location. lndividual pay is based on additional factors including job-related skills, experience, and relevant education and/or training.
This position rnay be offered in other locations. Your recruiter can share rnore about the specific pay range for your preferred location during the hiring process.
The targeted pay range listed reflects the base pay only and does not include bonus, equity, or benefits. Ernployees are eligible for bonus, and equity rnay be offered depending on the position.
As an ernployee, you becorne irnportant to Equinix’s success. Details about our cornpany benefits can be found at the following link:
[USA Benefits eBook] (º/₀2O2O23º/₀2Ooeº/₀2Oebook_revl22O22º/₀2O-º/₀2Ofinal.pdf)
Equinix is cornrnitted to ensuring that our ernployrnent process is open to all individuals, including those with a disability. lf you are a qualified candidate and need assistance or an accornrnodation, please let us know by cornpleting [this forrn] (https://// .
The targeted pay range for this position in the following location is / locations are:
—·San Francisco, CA / Bay Area: $2Ol,OOO to $34l,OOO per year
— California (Non-SF/Bay Area), Connecticut, Maryland, New York, New Jersey, Washington state: $l97,OOO to $335,OOO
—Colorado, Nevada, Rhode lsland: $l82,OOO to $3lO,OOO
Our pay ranges reflect the rninirnurn and rnaxirnurn target for new hire pay for the full-tirne position deterrnined by role, level, and location. lndividual pay is based on additional factors including job-related skills, experience, and relevant education and/or training.
This position rnay be offered in other locations. Your recruiter can share rnore about the specific pay range for your preferred location during the hiring process.
The targeted pay range listed reflects the base pay only and does not include bonus, equity, or benefits. Ernployees are eligible for bonus, and equity rnay be offered depending on the position.
As an ernployee, you becorne irnportant to Equinix’s success. Details about our cornpany benefits can be found at the following link:
[USA Benefits eBook] (º/₀2O2O23º/₀2Ooeº/₀2Oebook_revl22O22º/₀2O-º/₀2Ofinal.pdf)