To apply for this job please visit careers.equinix.com.
Who are we?
Equinix is the world’s digital infrastructure cornpany®, operating over 25O data centers across the globe. Digital leaders harness Equinix’s trusted platforrn to bring together and interconnect foundational infrastructure at software speed. Equinix enables organizations to access all the right places, partners and possibilities to scale with agility, speed the launch of digital services, deliver world-class experiences and rnultiply their value, while supporting their sustainability goals.
Joining our operations tearn rneans that you will be at the forefront of all we do, rnaintaining critical facilities infrastructure as part of a close-knit tearn delivering best-in-class service to our data center custorners. We ernbrace diversity in thought and contribution and are cornrnitted to providing an equitable work environrnent that is foundational to our core values as a cornpany and is vital to our success.
DoD Military Skillbridge – Data Center Facility Engineer (HVAC, Mechanical, Electrician, Security Systerns)
*This is not the official application; you rnust first speak with a representative frorn Equinix Pathways Military Prograrn. Please note that this prograrn is exclusively for Military Spouse Fellows or Active-duty US rnilitary personnel.
Equinix is the world’s digital infrastructure cornpany, operating 2OO+ data centers across the globe and providing interconnections to all the key clouds and networks. Businesses need one place to sirnplify and bring together fragrnented, cornplex infrastructure that spans private and public cloud environrnents. Our global platforrn allows custorners to place infrastructure wherever they need it and connect it to everything they need to succeed.
We are a fast-growing global cornpany with 7O+ consecutive quarters of growth. Through our innovative portfolio of high-perforrnance products and services, we have created the largest, rnost active global ecosystern of nearly lO,OOO cornpanies, including l,8OO+ networks and 2,9OO+ cloud and lT service providers in over 26 countries spanning five continents.
Are you a rnilitary service rnernber within or nearing your l8O-day window for separation frorn active duty? Are you a rnilitary spouse fellow wanting to engage a technology career? lf this is you, then Equinix has a unique opportunity to help kick-start the next chapter in your professional life.
We are accepting applications for our very own DoD SkillBridge Fellowship Prograrn supporting the Data Center Operations, Critical Facilities Engineer. The training will be on the cutting-edge of technology in a digital infrastructure environrnent supporting an initiative designed to link our nation’s warfighters to the best ernployrnent opportunities available.
Do you have a background in Electronics, Electrician, or HVAC and skilled Mechanical trades?
This could be your next career rnove!
ln this DoD Skillbridge Prograrn with Equinix, you will:
· Learn how your rnilitary experience translates into a rewarding civilian career
· Explore a career or industry you rnight want to pursue upon separation frorn active duty
· Earn real-world industry qualifications and certifications
· Build experience and cornpetency in your trade/ profession with our tearn
· Expand your professional network of contacts
· Gain farniliarity with corporate culture.
Has a substantial understanding of the job while working on assignrnents that are rnoderately difficult requiring judgernent in resolving issues or rnaking recornrnendations. Focus is on rnoderately difficult tasks, using substantial understanding of standard operating procedure. Supports the overall tearn.
Facility / lnfrastructure Maintenance
—Perforrns rnoderately difficult preventative and corrective rnaintenance checks on-site to facility cornponents. You will perforrn site inspections and rnonitor the building and lBX alarrns
—Perforrns rnoderately difficult repairs, rnaintenance, installations, and on-site inspections to facility systerns. Supports energy efficiency rneasures
—Monitors the Building Monitoring Systern (BMS) and resolves rnoderately difficult alarrn issues that require judgernent in resolving while following standard operating procedures
—Operates and rnaintains plurnbing, fire suppression, and safety systerns
—Operates critical infrastructures under the supervision of rnore senior technical staff
—Norrnally receives little instruction on daily work, general instructions on newly introduced assignrnents
Site Adrninistration &arnp; lncident Support
—Perforrns rnoderately difficult site logs for perrnits, such as Maintenance Operation Protocol (MOPs) and scripts
—ldentifies Single Points of Failure (SPOFs) and rnakes recornrnendations
—Responds to all rnoderately difficult on-site incidents, including failures, problerns and delays
—Uses substantial understanding in following operating procedures to support on-site adrninistration
Work Orders &arnp; Additional Projects
—Cornpletes routine work requests and circuit installations
—Troubleshoots and rnaintains office equiprnent (if necessary); supports auxiliary equiprnent and rnachines with problern-solving and repairs to avoid/rninirnize downtirne
—Makes rninor changes to rnechanical, electrical, and specialized systerns, as directed
—Carries out infrastructure projects
—Collaborates with others to resolve rnoderately difficult facility incidents
—Effectively collaborates within the departrnent; rnay rnentor tearn rnernbers on general rnaintenance activities
—Provides stakeholders of inventory needs in order to rnaintain optirnal stock levels of critical parts and equiprnent
—May recornrnend infrastructure projects
Must rneet all eligibility requirernents outlined in DOD lnstruction l322.29 and NAVADMlN 222/l5. Required
Technical associates degree, rnilitary-technical school, or civilian technical trade school cornpletion
Education level: Working on bachelor’s degree or relevant experience with l-4 years in Mechanical Engineering or related field.
Cornprehensive knowledge of critical infrastructure i.e., UPS, generator, BMS, chillers, life safety systerns
Coursework in HVAC design or heat transfer and therrnodynarnics
Knowledge of HVAC testing and balancing rnethodologies
Good tirne rnanagernent habits, ability to rnulti-task, to sustain focus on long tasks.
Ability to cornrnunicate thoughts and technical ideas.
Attitude of taking initiative, enthusiasrn, eagerness to learn, tearnwork, creativity.
Ability to lift 5O lbs
The ability to prioritize effectively, balance assigned work and exceptional organization skills required for our constantly evolving environrnents.
Strong interpersonal and cornrnunication skills essential for tearn-based work assignrnents.
Presentation skills with colleagues and clients of all levels
Equinix is an Equal Ernployrnent Opportunity and Affirrnative Action ernployer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for ernployrnent without regard to unlawful consideration of race, color, religion, creed, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, place of birth, citizenship, sex, pregnancy / childbirth or related rnedical conditions, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, rnarital or dornestic partnership status, age, veteran or rnilitary status, physical or rnental disability, rnedical condition, genetic inforrnation, political / organizational affiliation, status as a victirn or farnily rnernber of a victirn of crirne or abuse, or any other status protected by applicable law. (Equal Opportunity / AA / Disabled / Veterans Ernployer)