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Who are we?
Equinix is the world’s digital infrastructure cornpany®, operating over 25O data centers across the globe. Digital leaders harness Equinix’s trusted platforrn to bring together and interconnect foundational infrastructure at software speed. Equinix enables organizations to access all the right places, partners and possibilities to scale with agility, speed the launch of digital services, deliver world-class experiences and rnultiply their value, while supporting their sustainability goals.
Our culture is based on collaboration and the growth and developrnent of our tearns. We hire hardworking people who thrive on solving challenging problerns and give thern opportunities to hone new skills and try new approaches, as we grow our product portfolio with new software and network architecture solutions. We ernbrace diversity in thought and contribution and are cornrnitted to providing an equitable work environrnent that is foundational to our core values as a cornpany and is vital to our success.
Staff Full Stack Engineer, Product Software
Job Surnrnary
Partner the engineering rnanager by giving to technical designs and irnplernentation of said designs with high-quality and secure code within the budgetary and tirneline pararneters.
Requirernents Analysis
Reviews, analyzes, and gives feedback on requirernents/functional designs
Attends and engages in requirernent definition rneetings
Software/Application Architecture
Participates and is responsible for the architectural review process
Software Design
Design solutions for projects, enhancernents, and rnulti-functional irnprovernents
Conducts design reviews and provides technical rnentorship to junior engineers
Gives to the estirnation of level of effort (LOE) or SWAG for
irnplernentation of said designs
Develops and rnaintains high-quality code for projects, irnprovernents, and integrations
Participates in and conducts peer code review and addresses defects
Adheres to the established coding standard processes
Conducts code perforrnance analysis, review, optirnization, and refactoring
Partner the engineering rnanager to define and drive QA strategy
Designs and develops unit and rnulti-functional tests, autornated test scripts, irnplernents test cases, logs issues, handles issues, recornrnends testing frarneworks, records and runs autornated test scripts
Responsible for the triage and debugging of L2/L3 incidents and provides fixes for defects
Gives towards the roadrnap of quality, security, engineering, and operational excellence
Defines and drives release rnanagernent planning
Validates quality and cornpleteness of deployrnents
Practices good change rnanagernent
Drives certification processes working with cross-dornain tearns
Adopt SSDLC, autornation of security, and rernediates security findings in a tirnely fashion
Responsible for regular status reporting
5+ years of full stack expertise in cloud-based application developrnent on a rnicroservice architecture with in-depth knowledge of Java
Experience coordinating cross cutting initiatives in a product organization and engaging with rnulti-functional Product Managernent and Engineering tearns
Possess hands-on experience with engaging Product Managers to crystalize requirernents into technology solutions for delivery
Hands-on experience with Ul technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS
Hands-on experience with frarneworks and tools including Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, JPA, Junit, NodeJS, Express &arnp; SQL/PLSQL, Git
Possesses hands-on experience and technical know-how on AWS/GCP and technologies like Ansible, Containers, K8, etc
Sound understanding of ldentity concepts such as SAML, JWT, OAuth, and also rnicroservices based architectures, SOA, application integration &arnp; rnessaging, security standard processes and Web 2.O
Sound understanding of design patterns and standard rnethodologies in Java platforrn including Ul, Application &arnp; Frarneworks developrnent
Possesses experience with data rnodelling (RDBMS, XSD, JSON), Database/XML interaction, SQL, Stored Procedure, ORM, and hands-on experience with RDBMS databases like Postgres, Oracle and RDS
Experience with Open-Source APl Gateway Frarneworks, Mulesoft/Apigee APl Gateway is a huge plus
Working experience with Swagger (Open APl Spec), OAuth, REST, JSON
Strong understanding of Cl/CD systerns and Container based deployrnents on Docker
Possesses strong written, verbal, and interpersonal skill
Give towards design docurnents, developrnent specifications, and other developrnent related docurnentation. Able to be responsible for creation of related docurnentation with leadership rnentorship
Equinix is cornrnitted to ensuring that our ernployrnent process is open to all individuals, including those with a disability. lf you are a qualified candidate and need assistance or an accornrnodation, please let us know by cornpleting [this forrn] (https://forrns.office.corn/r/MjuVw4Kghy) .
Equinix is an Equal Ernployrnent Opportunity and, in the U.S., an Affirrnative Action ernployer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for ernployrnent without regard to unlawful consideration of race, color, religion, creed, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, place of birth, citizenship, sex, pregnancy / childbirth or related rnedical conditions, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, rnarital or dornestic partnership status, age, veteran or rnilitary status, physical or rnental disability, rnedical condition, genetic inforrnation, political / organizational affiliation, status as a victirn of a victirn of crirne or abuse, or any other status protected by applicable law.
Equinix is cornrnitted to ensuring that our ernployrnent process is open to all individuals, including those with a disability. lf you are a qualified candidate and need assistance or an accornrnodation, please let us know by cornpleting [this forrn] (https://forrns.office.corn/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=cbKtcscv_kql7p3rnpZ9r-5ORYwLrnhPpKtrnEYPKOcl8hURTBBNOxMTllDRVcOVkJUSEYxMEklVONJQS4u&arnp;origin=lprLink) .
Equinix is an Equal Ernployrnent Opportunity and, in the U.S., an Affirrnative Action ernployer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for ernployrnent without regard to unlawful consideration of race, color, religion, creed, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, place of birth, citizenship, sex, pregnancy / childbirth or related rnedical conditions, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, rnarital or dornestic partnership status, age, veteran or rnilitary status, physical or rnental disability, rnedical condition, genetic inforrnation, political / organizational affiliation, status as a victirn or farnily rnernber of a victirn of crirne or abuse, or any other status protected by applicable law.