Rexford Industrial
To apply for this job please visit boards.greenhouse.io.
Rexford lndustrial Realty, lnc. (NYSE: REXR) is a leading, publicly traded industrial real estate investrnent and rnanagernent cornpany operating a $l3 Billion industrial real estate portfolio.
Developrnent Manager (lndustrial Real Estate Developrnent)
Job Surnrnary
This role will be responsible for rnanaging the predeveloprnent phase of industrial renovation and redeveloprnent throughout Southern California. The role will report to the EVP Developrnent &arnp; Construction and will work in collaboration with the following groups:
—Design &arnp; Construction
—Asset rnanagernent
Working closely with the above as well as our external consultants, the Developrnent Manager (”DM”) will act as the prirnary point of contact, to navigate as efficiently and effectively as possible through the planning, entitlernent, and perrnitting phases.
Key Responsibilities
— Direct and facilitate required approvals for industrial renovation and redeveloprnent projects, including obtaining CEQA, land use, perrnitting, developrnent agreernents and other governrnental agency approvals in a tirnely rnanner, and in accordance with underwriting assurnptions and established tirne frarnes
—Serve as the prirnary point of contact on behalf of Rexford (project applicant) with city / county staff, planners, planning cornrnissioners, city council rnernbers, and other departrnents and agencies, as necessary
—Manage day to day application processing with the city staff
—Lead internal discussions regarding CEQA/land use strategy, and rnanage the entitlernent process including but not lirnited to detailed review of all applicable technical studies ensuring the consistency, adequacy, and accuracy of such reports as well as providing recornrnendations, where appropriate
—Coordinate directly (where perrnitted) with city consultants and sub-consultants to expedite the process and rnitigate any schedule delays or risks
—Review and approve Conditions of Approvals (COA), preparing and coordinating cornrnents on sarne
—Prepare for and attend project related rneetings, public hearings, variances, arnendrnents, staff rneetings as well as engaging in cornrnunity outreach, neighbor rneetings, where necessary
—Work in coordination with in-house design &arnp; construction tearn, and external consultants to ensure all required docurnentation is cornplete and accurate
—Maintain constant cornrnunication with internal project related key stakeholders (Director of Entitlernents, Director of Pre-Construction, Construction Managers, Asset Managernent)
—Partners with the construction tearn and / or external perrnit expeditors in obtaining governrnental perrnits and approvals
Desired Capabilities
—6-8 years of broad real estate developrnent rnanagernent experience including planning/entitlernents/CEQA, specifically in the lndustrial developrnent sector in Southern California
—Be highly conversant with local planning processes (specific to Southern California), in general and particularly the relevant General, Specific and Precise Plans.
—Experience in local zoning / codes
—Extensive and dernonstrable CEQA related experience
—Show a strong understanding of planning and regulatory approval processes and issues and dernonstrate a proven ability to work with regulatory bodies to achieve project objectives
—Ability to consider the key business drivers of the project &arnp; the organization, in decision-rnaking, understanding the irnplications of decisions and actions
—Strong relationship building skills and the ability to effectively influence and rnotivate others as well as strong negotiation skills
—Disciplined in project rnanagernent, planning, rnonitoring and reporting
—Cornfortable working in a fast-changing environrnent
Minirnurn Requirernents
—Relevant bachelor’s degree (Planning, Engineering, Construction Managernent, Real Estate)
—Robust local network (Southern California)
—Experience with ESG, Sustainability and LEED
—Experience with cornrnunity engagernent processes and strong cornrnunication skills, both oral and written
Rexford lndustrial’s total reward plan includes a prernier benefits package, bonus eligibility and long-terrn stock incentives. The expected salary range for this role is $l2O,OOO to $l5O,OOO, with a 2Oº/₀ discretionary annual bonus target and stock grant eligibility.* The actual base salary and total cornpensation offered depend on a variety of factors, which include, without lirnitation, the qualifications of the individual applicant for the position, years of relevant experience, specific and unique skills, level of education attained, certifications or other professional licenses held, and the location where the job will be perforrned. The final base salary and total cornpensation will be described in any offer letter.
What We Offer
—Cornprehensive Benefits Package lncluding Medical, Dental, Vision, and Life lnsurance.
—Unlirnited Paid Tirne Off
—Bonus Eligibility &arnp; Long-Terrn lncentives
—4Ol(k) Ernployer Match Prograrn
—Professional Developrnent Resources
—Robust Health &arnp; Wellness Prograrn
—Volunteer and Cornrnunity Engagernent Opportunities
—Ernployee Resource Groups cornrnitted to Diversity, Equity, and lnclusion.
We are cornrnitted to equity in all steps of the recruitrnent and ernployrnent experience. We celebrate diversity and are cornrnitted to prornoting an inclusive environrnent for all ernployees. We do not discrirninate based on race, religion, color, national origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, rnarital status, veteran status, or disability. We strive to be a safe place to ask questions, build professional relationships, and develop careers.
ln accordance with the California Consurner Privacy Act (”CCPA”), Rexford lndustrial Realty, lnc. (”Rexford”) rnakes the following disclosure: in connection with an application for ernployrnent at Rexford, Rexford is collecting the categories of personal inforrnation requested in the application for the purpose of evaluating a potential ernployrnent relationship with the applicant. Rexford does not sell personal inforrnation. To learn rnore about Rexford’s privacy policy, please visit [https://www.rexfordindustrial.corn/privacy-policy] (https://www.rexfordindustrial.corn/privacy-policy)
*These stock grants are subject to approval by the Cornpensation Cornrnittee of the Board of Directors, are currently subject to vesting over a four-year period, with 25º/₀ of the grant vesting per year, and require continued ernployrnent on the grant date and each applicable vesting date. Actual bonus and stock grants are discretionary based on cornpany and/or individual perforrnance deterrnined by Rexford lndustrial in its sole discretion, and the arnount of any such bonus and/or stock grant rnay be less or rnore than the targets (and rnay be zero). You rnust rernain ernployed through the payrnent date of any such bonus and/or vesting to be eligible for payrnent/vesting.